Week 1 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Dale Kurihara (90 West 1Tuesday), Nic Chatfield (90 West 2Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Jordan Chau (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), James Crist (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Eugenio Castaneda (Banter Bar 6Tuesday), Nahum Salgado x2 (Scarlet Lady 6Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Jared Piraneo (JP’s 3Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 1Tuesday), Nahum Salgado (90 West 4Tuesday), Roscoe Brown (Brennan’s 2Wednesday), Nic Chatfield (90 West 2Wednesday), Izzy Doctor (Reyes of SunshineWednesday), Gina Brown (Cozy Inn 2Wednesday), Jimmie Rolla (Cozy Inn 3Wednesday), Al Martinez (Cue-Tang ClanWednesday), Jonathan Gesinski (Rack PackWednesday), Dr. John Gushiken (Rack PackWednesday), Martin Galarza x2 (Banter Bar 6Tuesday & Rack PackWednesday)


League Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow begins our 2024-2025 season.  The week 1 schedule is below.  Please note the venue for teams with names you don’t recognize, as that’s where you’ll be playing.

Please remember to bring $50 per person for the first week of play.  $10 is for weekly dues, $20 is for team registration, and $20 is for BCA registration.

If you are a brand new team (3 or 4 of the main 4 players have never played in our league before) you are required to pay double dues for the first half of the season and no dues once you’re paid off.  As such, new teams should bring $60 instead of $50.

The following people have already paid their BCA fee through another league and are not responsible for the $20 BCA registration fee.  If you are not on this list, BCA does not have you registered for this year.  If you think you should be, you need to contact the league manager of whatever league you think you should be registered through.

Bryan Haneiwich, Curtis Johnson, Caroline Platt, Crystal Berlanga, David Freeman, Dominique Smoot, Ken Lee, Ken Key, Leon Gordon, Lois Nelson, Louis Aranda, Malik Folks, Martin Galarza, Rae DeGourville, Roenn Boney, Roscoe Brown, Samir Ahmed and Ted Marks

Good luck and have fun!

Website Updates for 2024-2025 Season

The 2024-2025 season of the Westside 8 Ball League is set to start up on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10th and 11th.

In preparation for the upcoming season, the website has undergone a series of updates.

All items have been completed:

All Registered Team pages have been updated for the new season.  Players may not appear on team lists until after the first week of play.
Team and Individual Standings Pages have been prepared for league data (These will not properly populate until schedules are updated and first matches are played.)
The Tuesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Wednesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Bullpen has been updated (if you’d like to add your name to the bullpen, please email djmichaelbasic@gmail.com with your full name, email, phone number and if you can play Tuesday, Wednesday, or Both.
The Locations page has been updated.
The Officers and Grievance Committee has been updated.
The Captain’s List has been made current.
The 2024 Archives page has been set up.
All players have been added to teams.
All players have had their BCA Member Number added to their profile (this is internal to help communication between our league and BCA)
The Schedules have been made current.

2023-2024 Season Wrap-Up

Our end of season event was a great success.  This is the first season in a very long time where every single team had at least one representative attend.  2 new rules were voted in, and a rule clarification will be added to our current rules:

First, an 8 ball break no longer counts as a win.  The breaker still earns $5 for a successful 8 ball on the break without a scratch, however, now the breaker has the option to spot the 8 ball and play the table as it lies, or re-rack and break again (without the option to earn another 8 ball break or table run.). Additionally, if the breaker fails to make a legal break on their second break and the opponent takes the break, they do so without the ability to earn an 8 ball break or table run.  A secondary table run is also not available to either player in this situation.  Lastly, making the 8 ball on the break and scratching is no longer a loss of game.  Instead, the opposing player can choose to spot the 8 ball and play the rack, or re-break WITH the opportunity for a table run or 8 ball break as with any re-break due to an illegal break.

Next, a tie breaker has been added to our rules.  In the event that 2 teams tie for the same place, their record against each other for the matches they played during the season will be used as a tie breaker.  In the event that more than 2 teams are tied for a place, all the wins for each team will be added up for the matches played against the other teams who are part of the tie, and the tie will be broken in order of whoever has the most wins.

The rule clarification is that it is always up to the team being inconvenienced to allow a player to show up late and still play their games.  No player should expect to always be allowed to show up late, nor give grief to anyone who calls for a forfeit in cases where one is due.  If a player does not arrive in time to play their game, it is within their opponents right to call a forfeit.  That said, if a player makes every effort to notify the opposing team in advance, it is good sportsmanship to give some leeway to a player who knows they are going to be late or need to leave early.  Remember that this is a recreational league.  We aren’t playing for huge amounts of money, and nobody is scouting any of us to be professional pool players.  The goal is to play pool and have fun.

Angela Aquino is our new league president, and James Crist is now the Vice President.  Mike Schwartz remains secretary/treasurer/webmaster.  We sincerely thank Pete Savino for his many years of service as the president of our league, and are glad that he will remain a team captain.  He has also committed to being available to help with the transition.  The grievance committee remains comprised of Michael Lauta, Lawrence Weisdorn, Oswald Colunga and Matt Weitzman.  The Vice President James Crist is now the tie-breaker vote in cases where necessary.

Our goal is to start the 2024-2025 season a bit earlier to help people qualify for BCA.  Additionally, we are working with BCA to get them to update our players’ FARGO scores.

A scotch doubles tournament was held with the following results:

1st Place: $65 – Nahum Salgado & Curtis Johnson
2nd Place: $40 – Mike Dodd & Logan Rodas
3rd Place: $25 – Michael Lauta & Louis Aranda
4th Place: $10 – Aaron Pollack & Rob Fowlkes
Until next season!

Wednesday Final Results

Congratulations to Wednesday Night’s first place team – American Legion 2, and the top shooter Dr. John Gushiken!

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRSTRHRWin %Owed Dues
1The Rack Pack2481043520532270.450.00
2Cue-Tang Clan2341183521211966.480.00
3Rack N Shack 31931593521101354.83-10.00
4Bryan & The 3 Amigos1851673522201552.560.00
5Scarlet Lady 6174178352111549.4330.00
6Scarlet Lady 8171181352110648.580.00
790 West 2164188352010746.590.00
8Cozy Inn 3162190352002646.020.00
9Banter Bears161191352120445.740.00
10Reyes of Sunshine154198352001943.75-20.00
11Cozy Inn 2139213352001339.490.00
12Joxer Daly 1126226352300135.80140.00

Week 22 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Secondary Table Run – Al Martinez (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Chad Kurokawa (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Ray Cruz (Banter Bar 3Tuesday)

Table Run – Dr. John Gushiken (90 West 1Tuesday), John Desimone (Brennan’s 2Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Carlos Espino (90 West 1Tuesday), Jared Piraneo (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), William Matthews (Rack N Shack 1Tuesday), Celia Suh (Daily Pint 1Tuesday), Joe Omole (American Legion 1Wednesday), James Crist (American Legion 1Wednesday), Rae Degourville (Scarlet Lady 8Wednesday), Satyarth Mishra (Banter Bar 2Wednesday), Dr. John Gushiken (American Legion 2Wednesday), Jonathan Gesinski (American Legion 2Wednesday)


Tuesday Final Results

Congratulations to Tuesday Night’s first place team – 90 West 1, and the top shooter Dale Kurihara!

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRSTRHRWin %Owed Dues
190 West 121413835211131160.800.00
2Cozy Inn 1208144352374859.090.00
3Banter Bar 3208144352075959.09-5.00
4Cozy Inn 42051473524211158.24-10.00
5Scarlet Lady 5183169352331651.990.00
6Rock N Shack176176352010650.00130.00
7Banter Bar 61721803521421048.8640.00
8JP’s 3160192352111845.450.00
990 West 4159193352222445.17320.00
10Brennan’s 1157195352424544.600.00
11Banter Bar 4152200352122243.180.00
12Banter Bar 1118234352110433.5210.00

Final Week – Remaining Owed Dues

There is only 1 week of play remaining.  The following are the amount of dues each team owes.  $40 or less means you are not short.  The numbers listed are the total remaining dues owed that must be turned in on the final week of play.  If the number is negative, that means you’ve over-payed and will be refunded at the end of season payout event.  The BCA fees are not reflected here.  See BCA List further down.


Rank TeamOwed Dues
190 West 1190.00
290 West 480.00
3Banter Bar 1570.00
4Banter Bar 6510.00
5Cozy Inn 1520.00
6Cozy Inn 4350.00
7JP’s 3500.00
8JP’s 4-970.00
9Rock N Shack680.00
10Scarlet Knights-560.00
11Scarlet Lady 5350.00


Players who still owe their $20 BCA fee (please note that the BCA has already charged the league for these players so these fees must be paid or they’ll be taken out of the team funds at the end of the season):

Jodi Lawrence90 West 6
JP ReynosoBanter Bar 4