Apologies, the date on the previous post was in error. The 24th is Memorial Day weekend…the end of season party will actually be on the 31st. Location still TBD.
Category: Schedule
End of Season Party
Our end of season party will be held at 2pm on Sunday, May 24th 31st. Venue is still pending.
As usual, we will give out awards, nominate and vote on officers, and discuss and vote on any other pending issues. Watch the site for the location. Once the location is decided, an email will go out to the membership as well.
Week 26 Results Have Been Posted
Apologies for the late posting. Once again Speakeasy 5 did not send in their sheet and held up the updates.
Heading into the final week. I’ve contacted each team who still owes money so there’s no excuse not to get it paid. If it’s not paid by the end of the season (this coming week) you’ll find your end of season payout envelopes lighter than expected. Please check the SHORT LIST to see what you owe!
Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.
Table Run – Carlos Espino (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Julian Levy (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Ray Tutt (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Joe Pacchainelli (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Jorge Galeano (90 West 1 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Bob Foster (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)
8 Ball Break – Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)
Honor Roll – Dr John Gushiken (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Mike Schwartz (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday), Charlie Thun (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Harry Young (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Rocky Afuso (Gabes 1 – Wednesday), Perry Simnowski (Speakeasy 5 – Wednesday)
Week 22 Results Have Been Posted
The Scoresheet from the Wednesday Match between Cozy Inn 3 and 90 West 3 was not sent to me this week, therefor those scores have not been updated.
I’m also missing the score sheet and money from the Tuesday Week 20 (2/24/15) match between Gabe’s 2 and Cozy 2. Cozy 2 was the visiting team – thus responsible for turning in the sheet and money.
Remember – Rule 21 states:
21. No new players can be added during the last 6 weeks of the league season . (Only substitutes listed on the official team roster, submitted by the season’s deadline, or ‘bull pen’ can play). Exceptions can be made only in extenuating circumstances, (i.e. Family emergency) to be judged for validity by the Rules/Grievance Committee.
Keep this in mind…from here on out, you may only use bullpen subs or subs you’ve already used.
There are still quite a few teams who owe money. Now is the time to get paid up. We don’t want to have to fine anybody at the end of the season for delinquent dues. Please check the SHORT LIST to see what you owe!
Teams that currently owe money are:
Scarlet Lady, Speakeasy 2, Cozy Inn 1, Cozy Inn 2, 90 West 1, 90 West 2, 90 West 3, Cozy Inn 3, JPs, and Speakeasy 5.
Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.
Congratulations go out to the following:
Table Run – Perry Simnoski (Speakeasy 5 – Wednesday)
8 Ball Break – Tyler Lemen (Gabes 2 – Tuesday)
Honor Roll – Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Harry Young (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Oswald Colunga (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Colin Angle (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Angela Aquino (90 West 2 – Wednesday)
Week 13 Results Have Been Posted
With 27 total weeks of pool and Wednesday having byes, week 13 will be considered the end of the first half. Good luck in the second half everybody!
The score sheet from the Tuesday Matches between Scarlet Lady and Cozy 2 was not sent to me via email or text.
Let’s remember that this is absolutely required and between the 8 participants of the combined teams there should be no problem getting this done. It should happen when the captains sign the sheet.
Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.
Congratulations go out to the following:
Table Run – Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Ray Callahan (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)
Honor Roll – Roscoe Brown (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Bruce Cleveland (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Frank Ybarra (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Colin Angle (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Angela Aquino (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Jorge Galeano (90 West 2 – Wednesday)
Week 9 Results Have Been Posted – Schedule Update
There is one outstanding error in the schedule which has been fixed. It only effects Cozy Inn 3 and Brennans 3 on Nov 19th and Feb 18th. Your home and away games have been swapped for these two dates, so on November 19th, the match will be played at Cozy Inn and on Feb 18th, The match will be played at Brennans.
Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.
Congratulations go out to the following:
Table Run – Harry Young (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Bruce Cleveland (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)
8 Ball Break – John Burton (Brennans 1 – Wednesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)
Honor Roll – Austin Miller (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday). Arnold Cesar Castellanos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday), Anise Loera (Brennans 3 – Wednesday)
Important Schedule Changes
It has been brought to our attention that when the schedule was generated, venues that had multiple teams but only one pool table weren’t accounted for. As such, some changes have been made to both the Tuesday night and Wednesday night schedules. These changes have been pushed to the schedule page on the site, so you should go print out the schedules again, and throw away the ones currently in your packets.
For the sake of clarification, here are the changes that have been made. All changes result in home and away team being swapped…the matches in question will still consist of the same teams. Here are the matches that need to be swapped.
Speakeasy 2 vs. 90 West 4, dates are 9/23, 12/2 and 2/24
Speakeasy 4 vs. Cozy 1, Dates are 9/30, 12/9 and 3/3
Brennans 3 vs. 90 West 2, Dates are 9/24, 12/3, and 2/25
90 West 3 and Speakeasy 1, Dates are 10/1, 12/10 and 3/4
90 West 3 and Cozy 3, Dates are 10/8, 1/7 and 3/11
90 West 3 and Gabe’s 1, Dates are 10/15, 1/14 and 3/25
These changes should fix the schedule so everyone has a pool table to play on. Feel free to contact Arnold or Mike with questions.