Important Schedule Changes

It has been brought to our attention that when the schedule was generated, venues that had multiple teams but only one pool table weren’t accounted for.  As such, some changes have been made to both the Tuesday night and Wednesday night schedules.  These changes have been pushed to the schedule page on the site, so you should go print out the schedules again, and throw away the ones currently in your packets.

For the sake of clarification, here are the changes that have been made.  All changes result in home and away team being swapped…the matches in question will still consist of the same teams.  Here are the matches that need to be swapped.


Speakeasy 2 vs. 90 West 4, dates are 9/23, 12/2 and 2/24

Speakeasy 4 vs. Cozy 1, Dates are 9/30, 12/9 and 3/3


Brennans 3 vs. 90 West 2, Dates are 9/24, 12/3, and 2/25

90 West 3 and Speakeasy 1, Dates are 10/1, 12/10 and 3/4

90 West 3 and Cozy 3, Dates are 10/8, 1/7 and 3/11

90 West 3 and Gabe’s 1, Dates are 10/15, 1/14 and 3/25

These changes should fix the schedule so everyone has a pool table to play on.  Feel free to contact Arnold or Mike with questions.


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