2024-2025 Rules


September 2024 through May 2025

1. The Westside 8 Ball Pool League Season is scheduled to run between September and May.

2. The organizational functioning of the League shall be the responsibility of the elected
officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.

3. Election of officers, for each season, will take place at the Awards Banquet or at a General
Membership Meeting in the last month of the previous season.

4. The membership shall not elect three officers for one season who are all members of teams
sponsored by the same bar.

5. A financial statement shall be distributed to all team captains at the end of the season.

6. Each team captain is responsible for regular team players or substitutes being present at
scheduled matches.

7. Team captains shall have a copy of the rules available at each match.

8. Professional players are barred from League play and any games played by them shall be
forfeited. The officers and rules/grievance committee will set guidelines and pass final decision
to determine professional status. (A player may not be in the top 50 rated pro players)

9. Unless otherwise specified, Captains Meetings will be attended by League Officers, team
captains or their representatives only.

10. At Captains’ Meetings, votes pertaining to rules and regulations, shall be cast at one vote
per team, by each captain or the appointed representative. No person may represent more
than one team.

11. At General Membership Meetings, votes shall be cast at one per member in attendance.

12. The Rules/Grievance Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President and consist of at
least four additional members to be elected at a General Membership Meeting.
The Rules/Grievance Committee shall make interpretations of the rules and resolve
grievances. No committee member may make a ruling relating to a match in which their team
is playing.


13. 90 West and Banter Bar are the designated “Drop off’ points for
score sheets and fees. Visiting team captains are responsible for dropping off the completed
score sheets and fees on the night of the match by the closing time of the drop off point.
Failure to turn in a scoresheet and the money from a match will result in a fine for owed dues
at the end of the season.  This fine will be equal to the money the visiting team failed to turn in.
Fees need not be paid for “bye” matches.
Additionally, one of the 8 players in attendance at every match must email or text a photo of
the scoresheet to the secretary.  djmichaelbasic@gmail.com or 323-304-2540.  This picture
must clearly show all names, scores, and captain’s signatures.  Make sure the entire
sheet is visible and not blurry.


14. A player must be a dues paying member of the Westside 8-Ball League. At the beginning
of the season, each team submits a list of its 4 regular players and substitute players. Team
captains must immediately inform the officers about players or substitutes who are lost or
gained during the course of the season. A player may not play on more than one team of the
same night of the week. (exception: ‘bull pen’ players) Once during a season, a player may
switch from one team to another team of the same night of the week with approval by the
officers and rules/grievance committee who will determine if the switch is proposed in good faith.

15. Any regular team member who is current in the payment of fees has the right to play in
league play unless one or more team mates or opponent can establish, by grievance
submitted to the Rules/Grievance Committee, that the player is engaged in conduct
detrimental to the interests of the team or the league.

16. Bar Sponsors maintain the right to legally refuse service to a customer and/or ask them to
leave the premises.  If a player is “86’d” from a bar, a suitable substitute needs to be found for
them when their team is scheduled to play at that bar.


17. New teams to the league which consists of three or more new players to the league will be
required to pay $20 per week for dues during the first half of the season. The new teams will
not have to pay any dues during the second half of the season since their team has already
paid for the second half of the season. This rule is necessary to deter new teams from
dropping out in the second half of the season. Team drop outs have an adverse effect on team
standings & financial structure of the league. The Grievance Committee will determine new
team status and any other pay structure for new teams on a case-by-case basis.  Any team
which was delinquent more than $100 at any time during the previous season will be
designated a new team for the subsequent season.

18. Permanent Substitutes:

A substitute may be used in place of a primary team member who cannot play on a given
night. Substitutes must become members of the Westside 8-Ball League, and shall be placed
on the official team roster. Substitutes cannot play for a team if they are primary players for
another team on the same night of the week.  If a substitute is “86’d” from a bar, they cannot
substitute for any team who is scheduled to play at that bar.

19. “Bull Pen” substitutes:

The League has a “bull pen” of substitute shooters that will be available for any team on either
Tuesday or Wednesday nights. Some of the substitutes are available on both Tuesday and
Wednesdays. (Since they have not committed themselves to one team.) Some of the
substitutes are available to play as a substitute on one night since they are a permanent player
on the other night. Teams are still allowed to obtain their own substitutes if they choose to do
so. The “Bull Pen” is just another option if necessary. The names and contact numbers for the
players in the “Bull Pen” will be distributed and /or posted to our website. *The team is
financially responsible for substitutes. Note that the Grievance Committee reserves the right to
limit a player’s inclusion on the bullpen list. This is to prevent bullpen manipulation by teams in

19b. “Pea Rule”

Twice per half season a team can use the pea rule as follows:  If only 3 players show up, the
4th player is called “Pea” and the other 3 players play the games.  If the pea rule is invoked by
the visiting team, player 1 plays game 4, player 2 plays game 7 and player 3 plays game 10.
Game 13 is forfeit.  If the home team invokes the rule, game 4 is played by player 1, game 8
by player 2, game 12 by player 3 and game 16 is forfeit.  Note that if both teams need to use
the pea rule on the same night this still works out.  Game 13 goes to the home team and game
16 goes to the away team.
Clarifiction:  The pea rule must be invoked before the end of the 3rd game of the match,
and the pea player must be player 4.  If someone has not shown up yet, don’t put them
down as player 1, 2 or 3.  Only write the names in the the players who are at the venue and
leave the rest blank until they show up.

20. A substitute shall not play for more than one player in a given match. If a Substitute of a
match does not play all 4 games (i.e. the regular player plays some games) the score sheet
must clearly identify which games were played by each player.

21. No new players can be added during the last 6 weeks of the league season . (Only
substitutes listed on the official team roster, submitted by the season’s deadline, or ‘bull pen’
can play). Exceptions can be made only in extenuating circumstances, (i.e. Family emergency)
to be judged for validity by the Rules/Grievance Committee.
The above rule was voted out at the end of the 2022-2023 season.


22. Practice time for the home team is 7:00pm to 7:30pm. Practice time for the visiting teams is
from 7:30pm to 8:00pm on table that will be used for the league game. Play should begin at


23. Teams should be ready to start each match at the scheduled time of 8:00 pm. (unless prior
arrangement has been made with the opposing team) In the event that a team and its
members have not arrived by 8:20pm, or called the match location to say that they will be late,
a ‘Grievance Committee’ member shall be contacted to declare the match as a ‘forfeit’. The
‘Grievance Committee member shall make reasonable efforts to contact the team that has not
shown up.
A team that forfeits three entire matches or two entire matches in a row during the league
season may be dropped from the Westside 8 Ball League. An expelled team forfeits any prizes
it may have accumulated during the league season.
Even if a team is under the impression that the match will be rescheduled, if a match cannot be
attended by a team for any reason, it is that teams responsibility to contact their opponent to let them know.

24. When a team is expelled for forfeiting the first two matches of a tournament, the forfeit
scores (16-0) of their opponents for the first two matches will be converted into byes (0-0). The
money submitted by the opponents will be refunded. All matches scheduled against the
expelled team will be scored as ‘byes’ (0-0) to their opponents.


25. When matches are played with less than 4 players on either team, the games that would
have been played by the missing players are scored as forfeits. (games won for opposing
team). Teams are still financially responsible for player forfeits.  (The exception to this is the “pea” rule above.)

26. Any time a player is not present or willing to play at the scheduled time of a game, the
opposing team may claim that game as a forfeit, unless the team captains agree to alter the
sequence of games. A team may start playing with as few as one player at the scheduled time
of the match. When the time comes for the following players to play their regular games, those
players must be present to play or the opposing team may claim a game forfeit at the time of
each game. Team captains may agree to alternate arrangements prior to the match. “Team
forfeit” if no players show up at the venue by 8:20 pm unless prior arrangements have been
made. A Grievance Committee member must be contacted at that time to make the “team
forfeit” ‘official’. At least one player has to show up and play to avoid a “team forfeit”.
Attempts to arrange the re-scheduling of a match must be done prior to the day of the match.


27. The active shooter or any of the shooter’s teammates may call a foul.  “Teammate” is
defined as one of the players designated on the scoresheet on the night of play.  It is still good
procedure to ask an opponent if a shot was a foul if the shooter is unclear, and even better
procedure to ask players from BOTH teams to watch a questionable shot before the shot is taken.

28. Team captains settle all questions of playing procedure with input from players if
applicable. If an interpretation of the rules becomes necessary, a Rules/Grievance Committee
member or Officer shall be contacted by telephone for a determination. Team captains,
referees, and players shall make every effort to resolve disputes on the night of the match.

29. If a player has a dispute concerning playing procedure, conduct, or legality of a shot, the
player must raise the objection to the opposing team immediately, before another shot is taken
if possible. Players of both teams will rule on the dispute. If players cannot, in good faith, agree
on the legality of a shot, and the captains cannot agree on resolution, the players will attempt
to re-create the previous table position for the player to replay the shot. If a re-creation of the
previous position is impractical, the game shall either be:
a. stopped and immediately replayed from the start (if mutually agreed) or…
b. completed and replayed immediately after. If the replay game results in the same
score as the disputed game, the matter shall be considered resolved. If the replay game
results in a different score from the disputed game, the issue shall be resolved by:
i. Agreeing to play a third (tie breaking) game during that match or…
ii. Submitting a written grievance, by the objecting player, to the Rules/Grievance
Committee by attaching it to the score sheet dropped off that night (time limit is
24 hours).
The Grievance Committee will arbitrate the matter using the second game, referred to
above, as a valid replay if a decision on the disputed game cannot be reached.
If a ball must be retrieved to re-create a position or if a game is replayed, any expense shall be
shared by the involved players. The bartender or bar owner can generally contacted to open
up the table to retrieve a ball. Replayed games shall have the same breaker and racker as the
disputed game. The final outcome of a game resolved by replays will be scored as a single
point on the score sheets.


30. The score sheet determines the order of play and the alternation of breaking and racking.
Team captains are responsible for providing all requested information on the score sheet. If
information on a score sheet is falsified, the captain responsible shall be immediately
suspended for 2 consecutive matches and fined the equivalent of any funds that would have
been unjustly disbursed had the falsification not been discovered. The team may use a
substitute for the captain for only the second of the matches effected by the suspension. The
first match shall result in 4 forfeits for the suspended captain’s score. **Each team is required
to submit the fees for 4 players during each match.
(Teams are still financially responsible for player forfeits and team forfeits)
* Six week time limit for team captains to protest any clerical errors on score sheets /weekly
‘stat’ sheet after posting.

All 8 ball breaks, table runs, secondary table runs* and honor rolls must be properly noted on
the score sheet or there is a risk of not getting credit for them.  Each captain shall write both
the name of the player on the appropriate line and make a note in the game box.


The Westside 8 ball league has 4 ways to earn bonus money at the end of the season. These are:
Honor Roll – A player wins all 4 games in a match (pea games do not count) – $2
8 Ball Break – A player makes the 8 ball on a legal break without scratching – $5
Table Run – A player makes one or more balls on the break and continues to shoot without missing
until the 8 ball is legally pocketed on a subsequent shot. – $5
Secondary Table Run – The breaker breaks and does not make a ball.  The opponent comes to the
table and runs out.  “Does not make a ball” includes a scratch.  If the opponent comes to the
table with ball in hand, they are not eligible for a secondary table run. – $2


32. “In the event that a team plays at a location which allows smoking or allows other activities
that are either illegal or offensive to other teams, opponents have the right to request that
matches which would normally be played at that location be played either at a neutral location
or, upon agreement, at the opponent’s home location. The intent of this guideline is not to force
teams or their players to play at locations which can affect any player’s health or safety.” The
change of venue shall be coordinated through the league Vice-President and/or President.


To help us all enjoy league play, please observe the following rules on etiquette and conduct.
Treat your opponent as you would like to be treated. Pay attention to your game and be ready
to shoot when it is your turn so as not to slow down the game. Cheer on your team, but don’t
cheer against the opponent.
REMEMBER: this is a fun & friendly pool league


Every player should be considerate of the other players. Do not talk loud, walk in front of the
table, stand close to the table or do anything to try to distract the shooter. Give the same
consideration to others as you expect for yourself.
Any obtrusive or offensive conduct or language will not be tolerated. It is inappropriate to talk
or approach the table when an opponent is playing. Numerous complaints against a team
could lead to a forfeit of the game or expulsion from the league.


Threatening bodily harm to any patron/player, drunken and / or drugged behavior, rude, vulgar,
insulting or offensive remarks to any patron / player, provocative, needling or un-sportsmanlike
remarks or gestures to other patron/ player, angry loud shouting, causing damage to property,
continued poor sportsmanship. If anybody on either team is “86ed” from the bar, and the game
has already started, no substitutions will be allowed. The offender’s game will be forfeited. Any
altercations caused by any pool league member will automatically cause that individual(s) to
be terminated from playing further in the Westside 8 Ball League. No exceptions or exclusions!
The league officers or grievance committee may decide to suspend or expel any member or
team based on their behavior. Complaints during the season and /or debts owed to the league
may cause players and/or teams to be expelled from the league. If a member who owes the
league money, wished to return to the league, the player must pay the debt in full. The league
operator can ask for either a deposit or advanced payment for the season in full for the firstreturning season.
If a team is expelled from the league or quits during the season, it forfeits any prize monies at
the end of the season.



All League Games shall be played on a table no larger than 8 feet by 4 feet.


Eight-Ball is a game played with a cue ball and 15 object balls, numbered 1 through 15. One
player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colors), while the other
player has 9 through 15 (stripes). The player pocketing either group first, and then legally
pocketing the 8-ball wins the game.


The breaker of each game pays for the game and racks his/her own balls. The breaker must
shoot from behind the head string (determined by the base of the cue ball) and must either
pocket a ball or drive 4 numbered balls into a rail. If the breaker fails to do this, the opponent
has the option of (1) shooting from the existing position or (2 re-racking and breaking with the
right to win by sinking the 8-ball on the break.


As of the 2024-2025 season, an 8 ball break no longer counts as a win. The breaker still earns $5 for a successful 8 ball on the break without a scratch, however, now the breaker has the option to spot the 8 ball and play the table as it lies, or re-rack and break again (without the option to earn another 8 ball break or table run.). Additionally, if the breaker fails to make a legal break on their second break and the opponent takes the break, they do so without the ability to earn an 8 ball break or table run. A secondary table run is also not available to either player in this situation. Lastly, making the 8 ball on the break and scratching is no longer a loss of game. Instead, the opposing player can choose to spot the 8 ball and play the rack, or re-break WITH the opportunity for a table run or 8 ball break as with any re-break due to an illegal break.


It is the shooter’s responsibility to make sure that their opponent or the opposing team knows
which pocket the shooter is attempting to make the 8-ball. As with other shots, an “obvious”
shot need not be called. An obvious shot, as defined in section 10 of these rules, does not
include kicks, caroms or combinations.  As with any shot, if an opponent is unclear about the
shooters intended pocket, they may ask, while still following the rules of sportsmanship and


If a player scratches on a legal break shot, (1) all balls pocketed remain pocketed, (2) it is a
foul, (3) the table is open. The opposing player gets cue ball in hand. This means that the
player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table.


If a player jumps an object ball off the table on a shot, this is a foul, the jumped ball is spotted
and the opponent has ball in hand. Note that if the 8-ball is jumped off the table this is loss of game.
If a player jumps an object ball off the table on a legal break shot, it is a foul and the incoming
player has the option of (1) accepting the table in position, spotting the jumped ball, and
shooting, or (2) taking cue ball in hand behind the head string and shooting.
Spotted balls are placed on the foot spot. If other balls make this impossible, the ball is spotted
on a line which is from the foot spot to the foot of the table and as close as possible to the foot
spot, without touching impeding balls.
Note that jumped balls are balls that leave the table accidentally and come to rest on other
than on the bed of the table as a result of a player’s stroke. Any such jumped balls constitute a
foul unless the ball returns to the bed of the table under its own power and without touching
anything not part of the table.


The choice of stripes or solids is not determined on the break even if balls are made from only
one or both groups, because the table is always open immediately after the break shot. The
choice of group is determined only when a player legally pockets an object ball after the break
shot. The choice of group is not made until a player legally pockets an object ball (or balls)
from one of the groups of object balls (1-7 or 9-15).


A legal stroke is a stroke which has a forward motion relative to the long axis of the cue and
which hits the cue ball with the tip. Any other stroke is illegal. For example, it is illegal to place
the cue tip on the table, just under the edge of the cue ball, and raise the front part of the cue,
brushing the ball with the tip. This motion would send the cue ball forward but is made with an
illegal stroke. Another example of an illegal stroke is intentionally hitting the cue ball with the ferrule or the
shaft of the cue.


Legal shots are made with a legal stroke; on all shots (except on the break and when the table
is open), the shooter must hit one of his or her group of balls first and (1) pocket one of his or
her group, or (2) cause the cue ball, the object ball, or any other ball to contact a rail. It is
permissible for the shooter to bank the cue ball off a rail before contacting their object ball;
however, after contact with their object ball, an object ball must be pocketed or any ball must
contact a rail. Failure to meet these requirements is a foul.
A legal shot must conform with “Call Pocket” standards, that is, pocketing a ball requires
verbally or visually indicating the pocket in which the object ball is intended to fall prior to
making the shot. Obvious balls and pockets do not have to be indicated. It is the opponent’s
responsibility to ask which ball and pocket if he is unsure of the shot. Bank shots, caroms and
combination shots are not considered obvious, and care should be taken in calling both the
object ball and the intended pocket. When calling the shot, it is NEVER necessary to indicate
details such as the number of cushions, banks, kisses, caroms, etc. Any balls pocketed on a
foul remain pocketed, regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or the opponent.


(Defined) The table is “open” when the choice of groups (stripes or solids) has not yet been
determined. When the table is open, it is legal to hit a solid first to make a stripe or vice-versa.
Note: The table is always open immediately after the break shot. When the table is open, it is
legal to hit any solid or stripe first in the process of pocketing the desired stripe or solid.
However, when the table is open and the 8-ball is the first ball contacted, it is a foul and no
stripe or solid may be scored in favor of the shooter. The shooter loses his or her turn; the
incoming player is awarded cue ball in hand; any balls pocketed remain pocketed; and the
incoming player addresses the balls with the table still open. On an open table, all illegally
pocketed balls remain pocketed.


A player continues shooting until failing to legally pocket a ball of his or her group. After a
player has legally pocketed all of his or her group of balls, he shoots to pocket the 8-ball.


Opposing player gets cue ball in hand. This means that the player can place the cue ball
anywhere on the table (including on the break).
This rule prevents a player from making intentional fouls which would put an opponent at a
disadvantage. With “cue ball in hand,” the player may use a hand or any part of a cue
(including the tip) to position the cue ball. When placing the cue ball in position, any forward
stroke motion contacting the cue ball will be a foul, if not a legal shot.  Obvious repositioning
of the cue ball, even with the tip of the cue, is not a foul.  If, however, the cue ball touches
an object ball before the shot, this is a ball in hand foul.


Touching any object ball with the cue ball, or the hand holding the cue ball, while it is in hand,
is a foul.


Combination shots involving the opponent’s balls and the 8-ball are allowed; however, not as
the first ball if the combination unless the 8-ball is the shooter’s only remaining legal object ball
on the table. Otherwise, should such contact occur on the 8-ball or opponent’s ball, it is a foul.

(This rule was clarified based on a discussion at the end of season event following the 2023-2024 season.
Clarifications are in bold)

Full ‘Masse’ and Jump shots are illegal and counted as fouls. A full ‘masse’ shot is defined as raising the
stick above a forty-five degree angle and applying extreme English to the cue ball with the
intent of curving the cue ball.  A full jump shot is defined as raising the stick above a 30 degree angle 
to attempt to directly jump the cue ball completely over an impeding object ball.
Exception: it is legal for the shooter to have his or her shooting stick at an extreme angle if the
objective of the shot is to avoid a double hit. A shot such as this is neither a masse nor jump shot but an
attempt to avoid a follow-through and resultant double-hit. In general, a shot such as this will
be taken when the cue ball and object ball are within an inch of each other (or less) and no
attempt to curve or jump the cue ball is made. The only attempt here is to avoid the double hit by
striking down at an extreme angle.  The reasoning for this exception is that this type of shot
generally doesn’t require the amount of force that a jump or masse does and therefor the risk
of damaging the table is significantly lower.
The use of jump cues is disallowed. A player may use his or her full length playing cue to
jump the cue ball, but may not take such a cue apart to jump with a shorter cue. This allows
skilled players to jump a cue ball slightly to pass over a ball which is ever so slightly impeding
a direct shot. Such a jump shot, even when taken with a full length playing cue, cannot legally
be made if the cue itself is above a 30 degree angle. This is to prevent players from attempting
to jump the cue ball completely over an impeding ball, which is extremely difficult and likely to
damage the equipment.
It is also legal for the player to use their full length cue to shoot the cue ball into the rail with the
intent of having the cue ball jump off the rail (back towards the player) and over an impeding
*Note that a “scoop” shot, where the player purposely digs low and scoops the ball upwards is
not a legal shot and is not a proper way to execute a jump shot. This is a foul unless a player
miscues by mistake and scoops the cue ball without intent to jump it.
*Note that a shooter can ask the opposing team, before shooting and without penalty, if his or
her raised stick violates the forty-five or thirty degree rules since it very hard for a shooter to
know exactly where these lines are.


When the 8-ball is the legal object ball, a foul is not loss of game if the 8-ball is not pocketed or
jumped from the table and opponent has ball in hand. Jumping the cue ball off the table while
shooting the 8-ball is a foul resulting in Ball-In-Hand for the incoming player. Note: A
combination shot can never be used to legally pocket the 8-ball, except when the 8-ball is the
first ball contacted in the shot sequence.


Assistance can only come from registered teammates, but must always be initiated by the
shooter. Otherwise, it is a foul. ONCE during a game, a coaching timeout may be called. After
the timeout has been called, one of the player’s teammates becomes the coach and will give
advice to the shooter on what shot they should take. A coaching session should last no more
than one minute. The shooter who asks for advice more than once in one game should be
corrected, receiving advice more than once in one game is a foul. A shooter may ask
teammates to make observations of the legality of a shot at any time. A player may request
clarification of the rules at any time. Rule clarifications offered by teammates without the
shooter requesting for a clarification is a foul. No marking of the table is allowed and is
considered a foul.
*Note that the coach cannot touch any balls on the table, including the cue ball (even if the cue
ball is in hand) while giving assistance. Any such touching of balls is considered a foul and the
opponent has ball in hand.


When the distance between the cue ball and the object ball is less than the width of a chalk
cube, it is a ‘foul’ if the cue ball follows through the object ball more than ½ of the object ball.
Both captains should watch the shot to determine if the shot was legal or not. Note that it is
possible to double hit the cue ball if the cue ball and the object ball are more than a chalk
distance apart and extreme care should be used in making these shots and it is recommended
that referees watch any shot that a player deems questionable. If the cue stick strikes the cue
ball more than once on a shot, or if the cue stick is in contact with the cue ball when or after
the cue ball contacts an object ball, the shot is a foul. It is a foul if the cue ball is pushed by the
cue tip, with contact being maintained for more than the momentary time commensurate with a
stroked shot.
If the cue ball is touching (frozen to) the required object ball prior to the shot, the player may
shoot toward it, providing that any normal stroke is employed. However, the balls must be
announced as frozen prior to taking such a shot, or else the shot will be considered a violation
of rule 19 (chalk rule / double hit).


This rule applies to any shot where the cue ball’s first contact with a ball is with one that is
frozen to a cushion or to the cue ball itself. After the cue ball makes contact with the frozen
object ball, the shot must result in either a ball being pocketed, the cue ball contacting the
cushion, or the frozen ball being caused to contact another cushion, another object ball being
caused to contact a cushion with which it was not already in contact. Failure to satisfy one of
these requirements is a foul. An object ball that is touching the cushion is not considered
‘frozen’ to a rail unless it is examined and announced as ‘frozen’ by one of the players or
referees. Such a call should be made before each shot where the ball in question appears to
be frozen, as a ball that is frozen before one shot does not necessarily have to remain frozen
for the next shot (table vibration could cause it to move slightly).
An opponent can call “time” to examine a ball that is close to a rail to see if the ball should be
announced as frozen. The shooter has the right to examine a ball deemed to be frozen to
agree or disagree with the call. The referees or team captains can be called upon to assist with


In the event that teams are having problems with slow play, players may choose to enforce the
slow play rule. If a player repeatedly takes excessive time to shoot (longer than one minute),
the opponent can request both players be put on a one minute shot clock. It is up to the
opposing player’s teammate to keep time. If there are any discrepancies in keeping time, then
both teams shall keep time together. The shooting player will receive a 10 second warning
from the timekeeper as to when their time is up. If after 10 seconds, the player has either not
shot or shoots on the 10 second mark, it is considered a foul with ‘ball-in-hand’ to their
opponent. If during the timekeeping, a shooter calls timeout, the clock would reset to 60
seconds at the conclusion of the timeout.


If a ball shifts, settles, turns or otherwise moves “by itself,” the ball shall remain in the position
it assumed and play continues. A hanging ball that falls into a pocket “by itself” after being
motionless for 5 seconds or longer shall be replaced as closely as possible to its position prior
to falling, and play shall continue. (Note: contact the bartender or owner to open the table to
replace the ball)

A player loses the game by committing any of the following infractions:
a. Pockets the 8-ball on the same stroke as the last of his or her group of balls.
b. Jumps the 8-ball off the table at any time.
c. Pockets the 8-ball in a pocket other than the called pocket
d. Pockets the 8-ball when it is not the legal object ball.

Note: All infractions must be called before another shot is taken, or else it will be determined
that no infraction occurred.


If, after 3 consecutive turns at the table by each player (6 turns total), the players agree that
attempting to pocket or move an object ball will result in loss of game, the balls will be re-
racked with the original breaker of the stalemated game breaking again. The stalemate rule
may be applied regardless of the number of balls on the table. Note: Three consecutive fouls
by one player in 8-ball is not a loss of game. Note that three consecutive non-contact shots by
each player is an automatic stalemate.


It is a foul to touch stationary balls when the shooter is not in the act of shooting.
It is not a foul to accidentally touch a single stationary object ball while in the act of shooting. If
such an accident occurs, the player must allow the opponent the option to leave the touched
ball in its new position or to restore the object ball to what s/he believes to be its correct
position. If the player accidentally moves a ball as part of a shot, and a ball set in motion as a
normal part of the shot touches such an unrestored ball, or passes partly into a region
originally occupied by a disturbed ball, the shot is a foul. In short, if the accident has any effect
on the outcome of the shot, it is a foul. It is a foul to play another shot before the opponent has
either elected to leave the table in position or to restore any accidentally moved balls. If the
opponent elects to leave the table in position the balls are considered restored, and
subsequent contact on them is not a foul. It is still a foul to make any contact with the cue ball
whatsoever while it is in play, except for the normal tip-to-ball contact during a shot.  If multiple
object balls are moved accidentally via the stick, body, or any other illegal surface, even in the
act of shooting, or a ball is pocketed, this is a ball in hand foul.  The pocketed ball should be retrieved and
the opponent should restore it to what s/he believes to be its correct position.
Note that a player who accidentally touches a stationary ball and restores it has committed a
foul. This is considered deliberately touching balls in play.  The player must instead ask his or
her opponent if he wants the ball’s position restored and wait for an answer.


It is a foul to shoot the cue ball while any ball is still in motion. A spinning ball is in motion.
It is a foul to pick up or touch a moving ball. Care should be taken after taking and making a
winning shot the cue ball should not be touched until it has come to a complete stop.
Otherwise, a foul may be called. Note further that a defensive player can be called for a foul if
he/she touches a ball that is still in motion. What this means is that if the shooter has fouled, or
appeared to have fouled, the defensive player should not pick up the cue ball until it has come
to a complete stop and all other balls have come to a complete stop. Of course, the defensive
player should also verify that a foul has actually occurred before picking up the cue ball.