Category: Site

New Website Backend

Over the last few weeks (since before the season started), I’ve been putting a lot of work into redoing the back end of the website.  The software the league has used to input results is very outdated, difficult to use, and unable to be configured.  Starting this week, I’m moving to a new system.  While it isn’t a perfect system, it is quite necessary.  There are some things about this new system I cannot change, however, there are a lot of things I have control over that I didn’t before.

As such, I look forward to any feedback anyone may have.  I’ll do my best to give the site all the functionality that the old one had, plus some new things.

Each team, player, match and venue will have clickable links.  You’ll be able to find stats, venue maps, schedules for individual teams, and more.  Data will be easier to track and edit, and you’ll be able to narrow down information a lot better.

Owed dues will show up right in the standings so they are easy to see, and details about what dues are owed will be noted on your teams page.

I realize some people are averse to change, and some of the changes to the site won’t be to everyone’s liking, but the old software really cannot be used anymore, as it only runs properly on Windows XP, and the only laptop I have with windows XP still on it is on its last legs.

Hopefully everyone will be able to get used to and enjoy the new way the site will work, but again, if you have any feedback, please send it to me at

Slow site update

Many apologies for not having the website completely ready in time for the start of the season.  I’m in the midst of running a week long event that ends Sunday.  I’ll do my best to get all the week 1 scores in on Monday.

One important thing that hasn’t been updated yet is the rules page.  It was voted in during the captains meeting that all timeouts and any other conversation during a match must be initiated by the shooter.  This means no teammate calling a timeout and no reminding the shooter to call their pocket.

Website Updates for 2015-2016 Season

In preparation for the upcoming season, the website will undergo a series of updates today and tomorrow.  These changes are now complete

The Rules Page has been updated.

The Past Seasons section has been updated with the 2014-2015 Season.

The Who Owes The League $ list has been reset.

The Officers have been updated on the Officers page.

The Captain’s List has been made current.

The Schedules have been made current.

The Bullpen has been made current.

Week 23 Results Have Been Posted

After spending all yesterday and today rebuilding the website, everything should be back to normal after the crash.  I will still be out of the country from the 29th to the 8th, so Week 24 updates will be posted with week 25 updates around April 9th/10th.

There are still quite a few teams who owe money.  Now is the time to get paid up.  We don’t want to have to fine anybody at the end of the season for delinquent dues.  Please check the SHORT LIST to see what you owe!

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.

Table Run – Jorge Galeano (90 West 1 – Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday), Colin Angle (90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Bryan Padilla (90 West 1 – Tuesday), Jorge Galeano x2 (90 West 1 – Tuesday and 90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Update Delay – Next 2 weeks

Greetings Westside 8 Ball Members

The computer I use to update the website suffered a hard drive failure yesterday.  Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to import the information from the website to the software, which means that I will need to rebuild the schedule and re-enter the entire season on the computer I’ve purchased as a replacement.

This is further complicated by the fact that I’m going to be out of the country from March 29th to April 8th.  I will do my absolute best to rebuild everything before I leave town so that week 23s updates will be on the website, but this is going to require at least 20 hours of work to get going, so that might not happen.  If I don’t get it all done before I leave Sunday, I’ll leave the website in its current state, updated to week 22 and I’ll post the results for week 23 manually on the front page.  Either way, Week 24 and week 25 will be posted at the same time, some time after April 8th.

I realize this is the end of the season and people want to know where they stand, so I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause, however, I will make sure that going in to the last 3 weeks of the season, the website will be up to date.

Again, sorry for any inconvenience this will cause.

Happy New Year – Website Outage

Happy New Year Westside 8 Ball League Members!

Apologies for the outage of the website over the break…I was out of town without internet and apparently an automatic update of the website plugin that runs the photo gallery broke the entire for now I have taken down the photo gallery.  I’d be willing to bet that some of you didn’t even know we have a photo gallery, as it has not been updated since 2010.  The photos that were in the gallery are all still there, so nothing has been lost.  I will work on getting the photo gallery back up and running when I have some free time.

Matches start 1/6 and 1/7.  Let’s make sure to always remember to text or email an image of your score sheet when the captains sign the sheets so that it doesn’t get forgotten.  Also don’t forget to check the short list to see if your team owes any money.  There are quite a number of delinquent dues at the moment!

Week 9 Results Have Been Posted – Schedule Update


There is one outstanding error in the schedule which has been fixed.  It only effects Cozy Inn 3 and Brennans 3 on Nov 19th and Feb 18th.  Your home and away games have been swapped for these two dates, so on November 19th, the match will be played at Cozy Inn and on Feb 18th, The match will be played at Brennans.


Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Harry Young (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Bruce Cleveland (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – John Burton (Brennans 1 – Wednesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Austin Miller (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday). Arnold Cesar Castellanos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday), Anise Loera (Brennans 3 – Wednesday)

Schedules Posted – The League Starts This Week!

Both the Tuesday and Wednesday night schedules are now current on the Schedules and Standings page.

Please note…contrary to the schedule that was emailed out, the Wednesday Sept. 17th match between Brennan’s 3 and Cozy 3 is at Cozy.  All subsequent matches between these 2 teams have been adjusted as well.  The schedule on the website is correct, the emailed schedule is not.  This change only effects the 9/17, 11/19, and 2/18 matches between Brennan’s 3 and Cozy 3.  Everything else should be correct.

That having been said, please double check your team’s schedule and make sure nothing weird snuck in.  I have to code the schedule by hand into the database because the software we use to update the website has a bug in it that doesn’t allow schedule building to be automated.

Good luck in the upcoming season!

Website Updates

The Rules Page has been updated.  Note that rules 5, 6, 10, 17 and 23 have been updated.  Changes to rules are underlined, however the changes to rule 23 were to remove instances were a scratch on the 8 was a loss of game, so in that case there is nothing to underline.  The downloadable word doc of the rules has been updated as well.

The Past Seasons section has been updated with the 2013-2014 Season.

The Who Owes The League $ list has been reset.

The Officers have been updated on the Officers page.

The Scoresheet available for download on the Payout Scales and Scoresheets page has been updated to the new version.

The Captain’s List is now current.

The Schedules are now current.

Final Results Posted for Wednesday

The final results for Wednesday are in.

Congratulations to Speakeasy 1 for taking first place this season!

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.



90 West 1 owes $33

Cozy Inn 1 owes $40


90 West 3 Owes $5

If you are a member of any of these teams, you MUST contact me before the end of season party and get this money in, or you WILL be fined as per the league rules.  This is your last chance!


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Greg Harada (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Angel Gomez (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Terry Tigner (90 West 1 – Tuesday), Brian Stefan (90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Aaron Hiniker (Scarlet Lady – Tuesday), Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Nate Wree (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday), Frank Ybarra (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Gaku Ogawa (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Tom Okimoto (90 West 2 – Wednesday)