Category: Rules

Website Updates

The Rules Page has been updated.  Note that rules 5, 6, 10, 17 and 23 have been updated.  Changes to rules are underlined, however the changes to rule 23 were to remove instances were a scratch on the 8 was a loss of game, so in that case there is nothing to underline.  The downloadable word doc of the rules has been updated as well.

The Past Seasons section has been updated with the 2013-2014 Season.

The Who Owes The League $ list has been reset.

The Officers have been updated on the Officers page.

The Scoresheet available for download on the Payout Scales and Scoresheets page has been updated to the new version.

The Captain’s List is now current.

The Schedules are now current.

End of Season Party

The end of season party will be held at Gabe’s Bar & Grill:  2965 s. Sepulveda blvd, LA 90025 on Saturday, May 31 at 2pm


There will be:

a meeting for the general membership

Prize Money Payouts

Elections of officers and grievance committee



Additionally, as per a decision at the captains meeting, votes will be held on the following rule changes:

Current Rules (slop) vs. Call Pocket

If adopted, the Call Pocket rule will be worded as such –  In Call Pocket, obvious balls and pockets do not have to be indicated. It is the opponent’s responsibility to ask which ball and pocket if he is unsure of the shot. Bank shots and combination shots are not considered obvious, and care should be taken in calling both the object ball and the intended pocket. When calling the shot, it is NEVER necessary to indicate details such as the number of cushions, banks, kisses, caroms, etc. Any balls pocketed on a foul remain pocketed, regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or the opponent.

Scratch On The Break – In The Kitchen (current rules) or Ball In Hand

This rule change would be straight forward, no other change necessary.

Scratch while shooting the 8 ball – Loss Of Game (current rules) vs. Ball In Hand

This would only apply to pocketing the cue ball while shooting the 8 ball.  If the 8 is pocketed in the wrong pocket, or the cue and 8 go down in the same shot, it would still be a loss of game.  This rule would only effect a shot where, when a player is on the 8 ball, he does not sink the 8 ball, but does sink the cue ball.

These votes will take place via a paper ballet.  Your captains will be emailed the ballot in advance, however, voting ballots will be on hand at the event in case not everybody is able to print theirs out.

Final Results Posted for Wednesday

The final results for Wednesday are in.

Congratulations to Speakeasy 1 for taking first place this season!

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.



90 West 1 owes $33

Cozy Inn 1 owes $40


90 West 3 Owes $5

If you are a member of any of these teams, you MUST contact me before the end of season party and get this money in, or you WILL be fined as per the league rules.  This is your last chance!


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Greg Harada (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Angel Gomez (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Terry Tigner (90 West 1 – Tuesday), Brian Stefan (90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Aaron Hiniker (Scarlet Lady – Tuesday), Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Nate Wree (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday), Frank Ybarra (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Gaku Ogawa (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Tom Okimoto (90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Week 27 Results Have Been Posted. Final Week of Play!

Important note: This coming week is the final week of play.  If you have any outstanding dues or score sheets, they MUST be turned in by Saturday, 5/3/14.  If this isn’t possible, you MUST contact me at or you will be fined as per the rules of the league.

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.


I’m missing the score sheet from the Week 25 match between 90 West 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West 2 is responsible for turning in the sheet.) If missing sheets are not turned in by the end of the season, the visiting team will lose all 16 games and will be responsible for all money for that week.

Our rules state: 31. The score sheet & money being turned in on time is vital for proper accounting purposes. Teams that fail to turn in the score sheet & the money on time will be FINED accordingly. 1st offense ($10 fine), 2nd offense ($20 fine), 3rd offense ($20 and forfeiture of 5 games)

I have not enforced this rule, but with all the late score sheets this year (this is the worst year ever, by far) I’m quite tempted.


Tuesday: Scarlet Lady owes $65 Cozy Inn owes $50 90 West 1 owes $29 90 West 4 owes $25 Speakeasy 2 owes $65

Wednesday: 90 West 2 Owes $30 90 West 3 Owes $5

Remember that if the season ends before your dues are paid, your team will be fined equal to the amount that you owe.  That fine, coupled with the money owed, will be taken out of your teams winnings at the end of season party.


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Jorge Galeano (90 West 3 – Wednesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Harry Young (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Sean Shannon (90 West 2 – Wednesday), Bryan Padilla x2 (90 West 2 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Pete Savino (Gabe’s – Wednesday), Kaya Ramos (Brennans 3 – Wednesday), Gabe Rojas (Brennans 3 – Wednesday)

Week 26 Results Have Been Posted – No Tuesday Matches This Week

Important note:

There are no Tuesday matches this week.  The final week of Tuesday matches is 4/29.

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.


I’m missing the score sheet from the Week 21 Wednesday match between JPs 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West 3 is responsible for turning in the sheet) and the Week 25 match between 90 West 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West 2 is responsible for turning in the sheet.) If missing sheets are not turned in by the end of the season, the visiting team will lose all 16 games and will be responsible for all money for that week.

Our rules state: 31. The score sheet & money being turned in on time is vital for proper accounting purposes. Teams that fail to turn in the score sheet & the money on time will be FINED accordingly. 1st offense ($10 fine), 2nd offense ($20 fine), 3rd offense ($20 and forfeiture of 5 games) I have not enforced this rule, but with all the late score sheets this year (this is the worst year ever, by far) I’m quite tempted.


Tuesday (final chance to get this money paid):

Scarlet Lady owes $65
Cozy Inn owes $50
90 West 1 owes $29
90 West 4 owes $25
Speakeasy 2 owes $65

Gabes owes $5

90 West 3 Owes $5

Remember that if the season ends before your dues are paid, your team will be fined equal to the amount that you owe.  That fine, coupled with the money owed, will be taken out of your teams winnings at the end of season party.


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Greg Harada (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Carlos Espino (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough x2  (Speakeasy 3- Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3- Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Mike Shaw (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Angel Gomez (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Aaron Hinniker (Scarlet Lady – Tuesday), Greg Harada (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Kaya Ramos (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday), Matt Boutot (JPs 2 – Wednesday), Brian Stefan (JPs 2 – Wednesday), Angela Aquino (90 West 3 – Wednesday)

Week 25 Results Have Been Posted

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.


I’m missing the score sheet from the Week 21 Wednesday match between JPs 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West 3 is responsible for turning in the sheet) and the Week 25 match between 90 West 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West 2 is responsible for turning in the sheet.)

If missing sheets are not turned in by the end of the season, the visiting team will lose all 16 games and will be responsible for all money for that week.  Our rules state:

31. The score sheet & money being turned in on time is vital for proper accounting purposes. Teams that fail to turn in the score sheet & the money on time will be FINED accordingly. 1st offense ($10 fine), 2nd offense ($20 fine), 3rd offense ($20 and forfeiture of 5 games)

I have not enforced this rule, but with all the late score sheets this year (this is the worst year ever, by far) I’m quite tempted.



Scarlet Lady owes $105
Cozy Inn owes $50
90 West 1 owes $29
90 West 4 owes $25
Speakeasy 2 owes $65


90 West 3 owes $25
Gabes owes $10

Remember that if the season ends before your dues are paid, your team will be fined equal to the amount that you owe.  That fine, coupled with the money owed, will be taken out of your teams winnings at the end of season party.


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Joe Paccainelli (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Brian Stefan (JPs 2 – Wednesday), Arnold Castellanos (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Kaya Ramos (Cozy Inn 3 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Mike Schwartz (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday), Joe Paccainelli (Cozy Inn 2 – Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Brian Stefan (JPs 2 – Wednesday), Wilston Poon (JPs 2 – Wednesday)

Week 24 Results Have Been Posted

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.


Please note that there are only 4 weeks left of play.  Rule 21. states the following:

21. No new players can be added during the last 6 weeks of the league season . (Only substitutes listed on the official team roster, submitted by the season’s deadline, or ‘bull pen’ can play). Exceptions can be made only in extenuating circumstances, (i.e. Family emergency) to be judged for validity by the Rules/Grievance Committee.


I’m missing the score sheets from the Week 21 Wednesday match between JPs 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West is responsible for turning in the sheet), The week 23 Wednesday Match between 90 West 2 and Gabe’s (Gabes responsible for turning in the sheet) and the Week 24 Wednesday Match between 90 West 2 and JPs 2 (JPs responsible for turning in the sheet.

If missing sheets are not turned in by the end of the season, the visiting team will lose all 16 games and will be responsible for all money for that week.  Our rules state:

31. The score sheet & money being turned in on time is vital for proper accounting purposes. Teams that fail to turn in the score sheet & the money on time will be FINED accordingly. 1st offense ($10 fine), 2nd offense ($20 fine), 3rd offense ($20 and forfeiture of 5 games)

I have not enforced this rule, but with all the late score sheets this year (this is the worst year ever, by far) I’m quite tempted.



Scarlet Lady owes $105
Cozy Inn owes $50
90 West 1 owes $19
90 West 4 owes $25
Speakeasy 2 owes $55


90 West 2 owes $25
90 West 3 owes $25
Gabes owes $10

Remember that if the season ends before your dues are paid, your team will be fined equal to the amount that you owe.  That fine, coupled with the money owed, will be taken out of your teams winnings at the end of season party.


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Adam Fukushima (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Frank Ybarra (Speakeasy 1 – Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Terry Tigner (90 West 1 – Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Carlos Espino (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Terry Tigner (90 West 1 – Tuesday)

Week 23 Results Have Been Posted

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.


Please note that there are only 5 weeks left of play.  Rule 21. states the following:

21. No new players can be added during the last 6 weeks of the league season . (Only substitutes listed on the official team roster, submitted by the season’s deadline, or ‘bull pen’ can play). Exceptions can be made only in extenuating circumstances, (i.e. Family emergency) to be judged for validity by the Rules/Grievance Committee.


I’m missing the score sheets from the Week 21 Wednesday match between JPs 2 and 90 West 3 (90 West is responsible for turning in the sheet), The week 22 Tuesday Match between 90 West 1 and Cozy Inn 1 (Cozy Inn responsible for turning in the sheet), The week 23 Wednesday Match between 90 West 2 and Gabe’s (Gabes responsible for turning in the sheet) and the Week 23 Wednesday match between Cozy Inn 3 and 90 West 3 (Cozy Inn responsible for turn-in)

If missing sheets are not turned in by the end of the season, the visiting team will lose all 16 games and will be responsible for all money for that week.  Our rules state:

31. The score sheet & money being turned in on time is vital for proper accounting purposes. Teams that fail to turn in the score sheet & the money on time will be FINED accordingly. 1st offense ($10 fine), 2nd offense ($20 fine), 3rd offense ($20 and forfeiture of 5 games)

I have not enforced this rule, but with all the late score sheets this year (this is the worst year ever, by far) I’m quite tempted.



Scarlet Lady owes $105
Cozy Inn owes $50
90 West 1 owes $45
90 West 4 owes $30
Speakeasy 2 owes $55


90 West 2 owes $25
90 West 3 owes $150
Gabes owes $10

Remember that if the season ends before your dues are paid, your team will be fined equal to the amount that you owe.  That fine, coupled with the money owed, will be taken out of your teams winnings at the end of season party.


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Greg Harada x2 (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Jeff Johnston (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Harry Young (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Greg Harada (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Jeff Johnston (Cozy Inn 1 – Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Speakeasy 3 – Tuesday), Harry Young (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Gip Gipson (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday)

Website Being Updated for 2013-2014 Season

Here you’ll find info on what’s been updated for the new season. If it isn’t listed here as having been updated, it is either blank or contains last year’s info.

It might be a week or so before the schedule and first week’s scores are uploaded to the website.  Because this season requires 3 rounds of play and 4 rounds of play for Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, and the software we use to input scores is only designed to handle 2 rounds of play, a work around must be conceived, which might cause a delay in the initial posting of stats and other info.

The Fines, Fees, and Payouts link has not changed, but it is a good idea to give it a read to remind yourselves what fees are owed and when they should be paid.

The Captain’s List has been updated for the new season. If you are on that list and you are not the captain of your team, please email mike at and let me know who your team’s captain is, as well as their phone number (cell preferred) and email address.

There have been no rule changes so the Rules link is still valid.

The Grievance Committee page has been updated.

The 2012 Season has been moved into the archives, which can be found by following the Past Seasons link.

The Payout Scale link has been updated to include a payout scale for 7 teams.

There are no new Locations to add so this link is still valid.

The Bullpen link has now been updated.  If you know anyone who would like to be added to the list to sub on Tuesday, Wednesday, or both, please have them email me with their name and phone number (

Week 17 Results Have Been Posted

Click the Schedule and Standings link to see all the stats from this weeks matches.

Apologies for the late update.  I was out of town most of last week and unable to pick up the sheets until last night.

Reminder – We are in the last 6 weeks of the season now, therefor, rule 21 in our rulebook applies:

21. No new players can be added during the last 6 weeks of the league season . (Only substitutes listed on the official team roster, submitted by the season’s deadline, or ‘bull pen’ can play). Exceptions can be made only in extenuating circumstances, (i.e. Family emergency) to be judged for validity by the Rules/Grievance Committee.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Roscoe Brown (Brennans 2 – Tuesday), Darrel McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Oswald Colunga (Cozy 3 – Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Mike Schwartz (Speakeasy 4 – Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Julian Levy (Gabes 3 – Tuesday), Jeff Johnston (Cozy 4 – Tuesday), Nate Wree (JPs – Tuesday), Darrel McCullough (Speakeasy 1 – Wednesday), Russ Barnard (Brennans 1 – Wednesday), Rick Regalado (Gabes 2 – Wednesday)