Category: Results

Website Updates for 2023-2024 Season

The 2023-2024 season of the Westside 8 Ball League is set to start up on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 26th and 27th.

In preparation for the upcoming season, the website has undergone a series of updates.

All items have been completed.

The Bullpen has no updates currently (if you’d like to add your name to the bullpen, please email with your full name, email, phone number and if you can play Tuesday, Wednesday, or Both.
The Locations page has been updated.
The Tuesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Wednesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Schedules have been made current.
The Captain’s List has been made current.  This means new teams/venues can now see their team numbers.
Team and Individual Standings Pages have been prepared for league data (These will not properly populate until schedules are updated and first matches are played.)
All Registered Team pages have been updated for the new season.  Players may not appear on team lists until after the first week of play.
The Officers and Grievance Committee has been updated.
The 2023 Archives page has been set up.
All players have been added to teams.
All players have had their BCA Member Number added to their profile (this is internal to help communication between our league and BCA)


2022-2023 Season Wrap-Up

Our end of season event capped off our first full post-lockdown season yesterday with great attendance.  We are excited to get back for another full season this September.  One new rule was voted into place, and a rule clarification will be added to our current rules:

The new rule is actually the removal of an old rule.  Our rules used to disallow any new sub from playing in the league during the last six weeks of play to avoid teams bringing in ringers to try to end the season on a high note.  This rule has always caused more confusion than it solved, and it was voted out by the membership.

A clarification to the “pea rule” will be added to the official rules for next season stating that the “pea rule” must be invoked by the 3rd game of the match, and that the “pea game” will always be in the spot of the 4th player.

It was also clarified that the current rules state that any team who is a no show by 8:20pm will forfeit the match.

The current slate of officers was left in place, and the grievance committee gained 2 new members.  The committee is now comprised of Michael Lauta, Lawrence Weisdorn, Oswald Colunga and Matt Weitzman.  The Vice President Angela Aquino is still the tie-breaker vote in cases where necessary.

A scotch doubles tournament was held with the following results:

1st Place: $56 – Sarah Katz & John Desimone
2nd Place: $42 – Roscoe Brown & Logan Rodas
3rd Place: $28 – James Crist & Jorge Flores
4th Place: $14 – Jared Piraneo & Eugenio Castaneda
Until next season!

Tuesday Night Final Standings

Although there are still a few makeup matches to be played, first place and top shooter are locked in.  Congratulations to Tuesday Night’s first place team – Banter Bar 3, and the top shooter Joe Pacchanelli!

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRSTRHRWin %
1Banter Bar 32411113521572068.47
290 West 12131393522551560.51
3Cozy Inn 12111413524531559.94
4Rack N Shack 2199153352152856.53
5Scarlet Lady 3187165352063553.13
6Scarlet Lady 5173179352121749.15
7Cozy Inn 4169183352211548.01
8Alteno’s 1169183352021648.01
990 West 4162190352213546.02
10Rock N Shack143209352310240.63
11JP’s 3128224352110436.36
12Banter Bar 1117235352110333.24

Week 22 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Michael Lauta (Banter Bar 1Tuesday), Marco Mitre (Rack N Shack 2Tuesday), Carlos Espino (90 West 1Tuesday), John Desimone (Alteno’s 1Tuesday), Taek Chang (Banter Bar 3Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Mike Schwartz (Scarlet Lady 5Tuesday), David Freeman (Scarlet Lady 5Tuesday), Marco Mitre (Rack N Shack 2Tuesday), Robert Mascarenas (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Ben Khoe (90 West 4Tuesday)


Tuesday Season Coming To A Close – Dues Owed

The Tuesday season ends this week week for anyone who doesn’t have a makeup match to play.  The following is a breakdown of what money is still owed for league fees before the last matches are played.  If you have no pending makeup matches, the amount listed is due this week.  (Note that any overpayments will be refunded in the prize payout envelope at the end of season event.)  This does not include BCA Payments owed which will be covered in a separate post.

Rank TeamPlayedOwed Dues
190 West 1256120.00
2Cozy Inn 4256160.00
3Cozy Inn 1256240.00
490 West 424080.00
5JP’s 3256270.00
6Banter Bar 6272-700.00
7Scarlet Lady 5240110.00
8Scarlet Knights256-800.00
9Rock N Shack256490.00
10JP’s 4256-970.00
11Banter Bar 1240290.00




Week 21 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Secondary Table Run – Jared Piraneo (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Rae Degourville (Rack N Shack 2Tuesday)

Table Run – Renaldo Bartholomew (Scarlet Lady 3Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Chris Walker (Banter Bar 1Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Jared Piraneo (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Eric Staugaard (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Carlos Espino (90 West 1Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 1Tuesday), Dr. John Gushiken (90 West 1Tuesday), Lawrence Weisdorn (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Matthew Weitzman (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Everett Kline (Rack N Shack 1Tuesday)


Wednesday Night Final Standings

Congratulations to Wednesday Night’s first place team – American Legion, and the top shooter Joe Omole!

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRSTRHRWin %
1Cue-Tang Clan198902883311968.75
290 West 21691192880111458.68
3Rack N Shack 31681202880021258.33
4Rack N Shack 4159129288000855.21
5Cozy Inn 3137151288100347.57
6Banter Bears132156288010545.83
7Scarlet Lady 6131157288000445.49
8Scarlet Lady 8127161288210544.10
9Reyes of Sunshine110178288110238.19
10Cozy Inn 2109179288100037.85

Week 20 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Secondary Table Run – Amin Rastegar (Alteno’s 1Tuesday)

Table Run – John Desimone (Alteno’s 1Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Erik (Rack N Shack 2Tuesday), Noah Bodzin (Joxer Daly’s 1Tuesday), John Desimone (Alteno’s 1Tuesday), Chad Kurokawa (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Eric Staugaard (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Dr. John Gushiken (90 West 2Wednesday), Jeff “Blaze” Garcia (Scarlet Lady 6Wednesday)


Wednesday Season Coming To A Close – Dues Owed

The Wednesday season ends next week for anyone who doesn’t have a makeup match to play.  The following is a breakdown of what money is still owed for league fees before the last matches are played.  If you have no pending makeup matches, the amount listed is due next week.  (Note that any overpayments will be refunded in the prize payout envelope at the end of season event.)  This does not include BCA Payments owed which will be covered in a separate post.

Rank TeamPlayedOwed Dues
190 West 2304-40.00
2Banter Bears3040.00
3Brennan’s 2304-740.00
4Bryan & The 3 Amigos304-870.00
5Chalk Talk304-820.00
6Cozy Inn 2304-40.00
7Cozy Inn 3304-180.00
8Cue-Tang Clan304-40.00
9Rack N Shack 3304-30.00
10Reyes of Sunshine304-290.00
11Scarlet Lady 6304-130.00
12Scarlet Lady 8304-40.00
13The Not So Fast Eddies288-780.00
14The Rack Pack288-910.00