Category: Fees

Website Updates

The Rules, Grievance committee contact info, and a sub list have been posted.  The menu bar and photo gallery got a little tidy-up by Christine Siebels of Sports Harbour, so big thanks to her.

On the left, you’ll also notice “Last Scoresheet Pickup” “Missing Scoresheets” and “Make-up Matches.”  These items are just like they sound…I will post the day, date and time each week that I’ve picked up the scoresheets, so if, for any reason, you haven’t turned your scoresheet in on the night of play, you can check the website to see if I’ve picked up the sheets yet, and if I haven’t you can turn it in before I go for the pickup.  I always post the pickup time before I update the website with scores, so you’ll know as soon as it happens.

If a scoresheet is missing, I’ll post that up as well, so you’ll be able to see why an update is late, or a team has less games played showing than they should.

Finally, matches that need to be made up will be posted so that they aren’t forgotten about.

As always, email me at with questions, comments or concerns.

Westside 8 Ball Fees Explained

There are 3 different fees that everyone must pay the league to play on a team.

First, there is the team fee.  This is a once per season $25 fee that every team must pay.  Traditionally, the teams home bar will pay this fee, however, that is not mandatory.  It is up to the team to get the money from the bar, and if the bar is not willing to pay, the team is, in the end, responsible for this fee.

Second, there is the player registration fee.  Each player is responsible for a once per season $10 registration fee.  As this fee is one per player, if a player plays on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights, they are only responsible for one $10 fee.

A substitute’s registration fee must be paid as well.  The first time a sub plays in a given season, the team that sub plays for is responsible for $5 of the sub’s registration fee.  The 2nd time the sub plays, the team the sub plays for on his or her second time playing is responsible for another $5.  After that, that particular sub’s registration fee is taken care of.

Let’s say for example, on week 2, Bar X only has 3 players show up, so they call Jimmy, who hasn’t played yet this season.  Jimmy rushes over to the bar and plays.  Bar X is responsible for a $5 fee for Jimmy’s registration in addition to the weekly dues (covered later in this post.)  Then, on week 5, Bar Y needs a sub, so they call Jimmy.  Bar Y must also pay $5 towards Jimmy’s registration fee.  After this second $5 payment, Jimmy is paid up and no further registration fee needs to be collected.  Please note that it is the team’s responsibility, not Jimmy’s to pay these fees.  That having been said, it is usually the case that whoever pays for the sub collects that sub’s win money at the end of the season, so it’s a good idea to keep track of who pays for what.

Finally, there are weekly dues.  Each week, each team owes $40 in dues.  Please note that while this breaks down to $10/player, it doesn’t matter if one team member doesn’t pay.  The team owes $40 a week, and the team will be penalized if they are continually short, not an individual.

New teams to the westside 8ball league pay double dues the first half of the season, and no dues the second half of the season.  The reason for this is, in the past new teams have entered the league, and decided to drop out midway through, messing things up for everyone.  This creates more incentive for new teams to stay the entire season.

Fines are levied at the end of the season if any of these fees are left unpaid.  Teams will be contacted multiple times throughout the season if they have delinquent dues, and the website will have a page dedicated to delinquent dues, so that there is no surprise about who owes what come the end of the season.

Fines will be equal to the amount a team or player is short, so if a player owes $10 at the end of the season, $20 will be removed from their payout ($10 to cover the fee and $10 to cover the fine.)

Any questions on any of this can be directed to