Category: Fees

Final Score Sheet Pickup

Sometime on the evening of Monday the 25th, I will stop by Brennan’s and Gabe’s one last time to pick up any outstanding scoresheets and/or dues.

If you owe any money, this is your last chance to turn it in before the end of season party, which will be on May 1st at Scarlet Lady Saloon at 2pm.

Here is a list of teams that still owe money:


Cock & Bull 2:  $100 ($150 with fine)


90 West 3:  $10 ($20 with fine)
Gabe’s 3:  $370 (fine to be determined)
Cozy Inn 2:  $200 ($250 with fine)

I’ve reached out to all of these teams, so nobody is in the dark about what they owe.  If fines end up being levied, they will go directly to league expenses, which normally comes out of the prize fund.  Bottom line is, fines will end up making their way into the prize fund.

Week 27 Results

Check the Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

This was the final week of play for the Wednesday night season.  Congratulations to Scarlet Lady for taking 1st place and Gip Gipson for being the top shooter!


Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Bryan Padilla (90 West 3Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Ray Callahan (Cozy Inn 2Wednesday), Craig Matthews (Gabe’s 3Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Gip Gipson (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Al Martinez (Brennan’s 3Wednesday), Jason Totaro (90 West 3Wednesday), Matthew Weitzman (Cozy Inn 3Wednesday), John Gomez (Brennan’s 1Wednesday)

Final Reminder – Wednesday Owed Dues

Tonight is the last night of the Wednesday night season.  If you still owe money to the league and don’t want to be fined because of it, tonight is the last chance to pay it off.

Fines are equal to what you owe, to a maximum of $50.

This means if you owe $40, expect $80 to be taken from your envelope.  If you owe $100, expect to be missing $150.

Here are the teams that still owe (Click the link that is your team name to see a breakdown of what is still owed):

Brennan’s 3: $100 ($150 with fine)
90 West 2: $20 ($40 with fine)
90 West 3: $95 ($145 with fine)
Gabe’s 3:  $380 (Fine is more complicated due to unturned in score sheets)
Cozy Inn 2:  $200 ($250 with fine)
Cock & Bull 1: $180 ($230 with fine)

If you have any questions about what you owe, you MUST contact Mike to communicate BEFORE the end of the day today.

Also note that fines will go directly towards league expenses, which will allow that much more money to go towards the prize fund.

Week 26 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

This was the final week of play for the Tuesday night season.  Congratulations to Cozy Inn 4 for taking 1st place and Mike Waddles for being the top shooter!

The usual suspects did not text or email their score sheets to me so the missing scores will be updated whenever I get them…or whatever.

I am also still missing the following score sheets (and money):

Week 19 – Gabe’s 3 @ Cozy Inn 2 (Gabe’s 3 Has Sheet)
Week 24 – Gabe’s 3 @ Cock N Bull 1 (Gabe’s 3 Has Sheet)

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Mark Okamoto (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 4Tuesday), Emil Marin (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Arnold Castellanos (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Jason Totaro (90 West 3Wednesday), Angela Aquino (90 West 2Wednesday)


8 Ball Break – Chris Walker (Cock & Bull 2Tuesday), Marcus Fair (Gabe’s 1Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Gip Gipson (Brennan’s 4Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Brennan’s 4Tuesday), Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Bob Foster (Brennan’s 2Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 4Tuesday), Dr. John Gushiken (90 West 4Tuesday), Emil Marin (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Arnold Castellanos (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Gip Gipson (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Al Martinez (Brennan’s 3Wednesday), Jason Totaro (90 West 3Wednesday), Angela Aquino (90 West 2Wednesday)

Tuesday Final Results

This was the final week of play for the Tuesday night season.  Congratulations to Cozy Inn 4 for taking 1st place and Mike Waddles for being the top shooter!

Thank you to all the teams who paid off all their owed dues.  I’m hoping to get Cock & Bull 2 caught up this week so that no fines need to be levied for Tuesday night.  Keep checking in to the website for the week 26 results, the End of Season Event date and location, as well as payout information.

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRHRWin %Owed Dues$2.50/Win
1Cozy Inn 4238114352172767.610.00595.00
2Brennan’s 4237115352251967.330.00592.50
390 West 1227125352562164.490.00567.50
4Cozy Inn 1208144352371959.090.00520.00
590 West 4202150352461257.390.00505.00
6Banter Bar 618316935262851.990.00457.50
7Rack N Shack 2183169352211351.990.00457.50
8Lost & Found13022235211536.930.00325.00
9Rock N Shack12922335201136.650.00322.50
10Cock & Bull 211723535221333.240.00292.50
11Gabe’s 49825435200127.840.00245.00

Final Reminder – Tuesday Owed Dues

Tonight is the last night of the Tuesday night season.  If you still owe money to the league and don’t want to be fined because of it, tonight is the last chance to pay it off.

Fines are equal to what you owe, to a maximum of $50.

This means if you owe $40, expect $80 to be taken from your envelope.  If you owe $100, expect to be missing $150.

Here are the teams that still owe (Click the link that is your team name to see a breakdown of what is still owed):

Brennan’s 4:  $5 ($10 with fine)
90 West 1:  $40 ($80 with fine)
Rack N Shack 1:  $83 ($133 with fine)
Cock & Bull 2:  $110 ($160 with fine)

If you have any questions about what you owe, you MUST contact Mike to communicate BEFORE next Tuesday.

Also note that fines will go directly towards league expenses, which will allow that much more money to go towards the prize fund.

Week 25 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.


I have not received a text or email with the scoresheet from the match between Cock & Bull 1 @ 90 West 3 so those scores are not yet updated.

I am also still missing the following score sheets (and money):

Week 19 – Gabe’s 3 @ Cozy Inn 2 (Gabe’s 3 Has Sheet)
Week 20 – 90 West 2 @ Cozy Inn 3 (90 West 2 Has Sheet)
Week 23 – 90 West 2 @ Scarlet Lady (90 West 2 Has Sheet)
Week 24 – Gabe’s 3 @ Cock N Bull 1 (Gabe’s 3 Has Sheet)

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Dale Kurihara (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Rick Regalado (Gabe’s 2Tuesday), Arnold Castellanos (90 West 1Tuesday), Emil Marin (Scarlet LadyWednesday)

8 Ball Break – Rick Regalado (Gabe’s 2Tuesday), Bob Foster (Cozy Inn 2Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Carlos Espino (90 West 4 – Tuesday), Stan Momii (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Tod Lofing (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Jorge Galeano (90 West 1Tuesday), Emil Marin (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Pepe Vasquez (Brennan’s 3Wednesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 2Wednesday)

Tuesday Owed Dues – One Week Left

There is only one week left of play for the Tuesday night league.  This means there is only one chance left to take care of whatever dues are owed.  If any outstanding dues remain after next week, those dues will be deducted from your payout envelope, along with a fine equal to what is owed, up to a maximum of $50.

This means if you owe $40, expect $80 to be taken from your envelope.  If you owe $100, expect to be missing $150.

Here are the teams that still owe (Click the link that is your team name to see a breakdown of what is still owed):

Brennan’s 4:  $5 ($10 with fine)
90 West 1:  $40 ($80 with fine)
Rack N Shack 1:  $83 ($133 with fine)
Cock & Bull 2:  $110 ($160 with fine)

If you have any questions about what you owe, you MUST contact Mike at to communicate BEFORE next Tuesday.

Also note that fines will go directly towards league expenses, which will allow that much more money to go towards the prize fund.

Owed Dues Breakdown

There are now 3 weeks left on Tuesday and 4 weeks left on Wednesday.  All dues must be turned in by the last week of play to avoid fines being levied.  Here is a breakdown of what each team owes (You can click on each team to go to the team page and see the details of what is owed):


Brennan’s 4 – $15
90 West 1 – $40
Rack N Shack 2 – $55
Rack N Shack 1 – $253
Cock & Bull 2 – $150
Gabe’s 4 – $10


90 West 2 – $20
Brennan’s 3 – $240
90 West 3 – $80
Gabe’s 3 – $405
Cozy Inn 2 – $155
Cock & Bull 1 – $310

If you owe money, you really need to get paid up or you will find your end of season payout envelopes short…or in some cases, empty.


Week 11 Results

Sorry this post is so late.  I was hoping that 90 West 3 would get me their score sheet but they didn’t so that match will just have to be updated after the first of the year.

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Happy Holidays to all.  We are official on break until after the new year.  This is only week 11 though, and with a 27 week season (Tuesday is 26 weeks) the 2nd half of the season starts week 14.

There are quite a few teams that are WAY behind on dues.  We need to get caught up before the half way point.  If you have any questions about what you owe or why, please contact me at so we can make sure things are clear.  I don’t want to have to levy fines on any teams.

I am also still missing the following score sheets (and money):

Week 2 – 90 West 2 @ Cozy 3 (90 West 2 Has Sheet)
Week 6 – Gabe’s 3 @ Cock & Bull 1 (Gabe’s 3 Has Sheet)
Week 7 – Cock & Bull 1 @ 90 West 3 (Cock & Bull 1 Has Sheet)
Week 8 – 90 West 2 @ 90 West 3 (90 West 2 Has Sheet) 

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Tod Lofing (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Ben Khoe (90 West 2Wednesday), Gip Gipson (Scarlet LadyWednesday)

8 Ball Break – Fernando Veral (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Bruce Cleveland (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Rocky Yeh (Cozy Inn 3Wednesday), Oswald Colunga (90 West 2Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Gip Gipson (Brennan’s 4Tuesday), Mike Waddles (Brennan’s 4Tuesday), Trent Blom (Gabe’s 2Tuesday), Fernando Veral (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Bruce Cleveland (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Rae Degourville (Rack N Shack 2Tuesday), Juan Manzo (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Stan Momii (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Tod Lofing (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Julian Levy (90 West 2Wednesday), Ben Khoe (90 West 2Wednesday), Darrell McCullough (Scarlet LadyWednesday), Jose DeLoera (90 West 3Wednesday)