Happy New Year Westside 8 Ball League Members!
Apologies for the outage of the website over the break…I was out of town without internet and apparently an automatic update of the website plugin that runs the photo gallery broke the entire site..so for now I have taken down the photo gallery. I’d be willing to bet that some of you didn’t even know we have a photo gallery, as it has not been updated since 2010. The photos that were in the gallery are all still there, so nothing has been lost. I will work on getting the photo gallery back up and running when I have some free time.
Matches start 1/6 and 1/7. Let’s make sure to always remember to text or email an image of your score sheet when the captains sign the sheets so that it doesn’t get forgotten. Also don’t forget to check the short list to see if your team owes any money. There are quite a number of delinquent dues at the moment!