No-Shows for BCA Tournament, Grievance Committee Ruling

As detailed in the previous post, there were 3 instances last week of no-show teams who were at the BCA Tournament in Vegas.  The circumstances surrounding this issue are somewhat complicated, so a straightforward reading of the rules does not apply.  As such, the grievance committee and officers discussed options, and ultimately came to a decision.  We all realized that no decision we came to would please everybody, however, each option was weighed fully before a conclusion was reached.

In summary, the officers made some mistakes, we’ve taken responsibility for those mistakes, we have a plan going forward to address the issue so that it won’t happen again, and the fees we are waiving for the inconvenienced teams are coming out of the officers stipend so that the prize fund will not be disurpted.

The teams affected have been sent the following email:


You are receiving this email because your match on February 28 or March 1 was not held because your team or your opponents’ team was attending the BCA tournaments in Las Vegas. While teams that cannot attend a match ordinarily are responsible for contacting and rescheduling with opponents, in this case they were led to believe that the League officers would handle rescheduling. This circumstance doesn’t fall under normal rescheduling rules because matches are not supposed to be scheduled during the BCA event. They mistakenly were in this case because, unlike other years, the BCA held their event during our season instead of the summer as usual.

Through an administrative SNAFU (officers confused about who was handling the matter) three teams showed up to play on the above nights to find no opposing team. Appeals were made to the Rules-Grievance Committee seeking forfeits on these matches. The Committee and officers agreed that the teams out of town for those matches could not fairly be penalized with 0-16 forfeits, which would also throw off results for the entire League.

The resolution decided was to hold make-up matches after the last round of scheduled matches; as compensation to the 3 inconvenienced teams*, matches will take place at their home venue; the 3 inconvenienced teams will not pay weekly fees for the make-up match but the 3 officers will be fined to pay for that match’s fees for the 3 inconvenienced teams ($40 each). This $40 is also equivalent to the win money the 3 inconvenienced teams would have received through a 16-0 forfeit.

* the 3 inconvenienced teams= 90 West 4, Banter Bar 1, American Legion 1