Week 14 Results

Thank you everyone for getting your score sheets in on time this week.  Reminder, we are on a break for the Vegas BCA tournament until the week of March 5th & 6th.

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.  Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.  The amount remaining to be fully paid up to this point is $320.  If your owed dues number is higher, your team is short.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Secondary Table Run – John Desimone (Brennan’s 2Tuesday)

Table Run – Joe Pacchanelli (Cozy Inn 1Tuesday), Eva Myers (Banter Bar 3Tuesday), Oswald Colunga (90 West 4Tuesday), Mike Dodd (Banter Bar 4Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Sarah Katz (Daily Pint 1Tuesday), Nahum Salgado (Brennan’s 1Tuesday)

Honor Roll – Phil Starr (Daily Pint 1Tuesday), Carlos Espino (90 West 1Tuesday), Oswald Colunga (90 West 4Tuesday), David Freeman (Rack N Shack 3Wednesday), James Crist (American Legion 1Wednesday), Bryan Haneiwich (Banter Bar 5Wednesday)