Week 13 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.  Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.  The amount remaining to be fully paid up to this point is $360.  If your owed dues number is higher, your team is short.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Table Run – Colin Angle (90 West 4Tuesday), Dale Kurihara (90 West 1Tuesday), Matt Jenssen (90 West 2Wednesday *Week 10 Makeup Match), Jonathan Gesinski (American Legion 2Wednesday)

8 Ball Break – Jordan Chau (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday)

Honor Roll – James Crist (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday), Jordan Chau (Cozy Inn 4Tuesday, Charlie Thun (Scarlet Lady 5Tuesday), Bryan Haneiwich (Banter Bar 5Wednesday)