Wednesday Season Coming To A Close – Dues Owed

The Wednesday season ends next week for anyone who doesn’t have a makeup match to play.  The following is a breakdown of what money is still owed for league fees before the last matches are played.  If you have no pending makeup matches, the amount listed is due next week.  (Note that any overpayments will be refunded in the prize payout envelope at the end of season event.)  This does not include BCA Payments owed which will be covered in a separate post.

Rank TeamPlayedOwed Dues
190 West 2304-40.00
2Banter Bears3040.00
3Brennan’s 2304-740.00
4Bryan & The 3 Amigos304-870.00
5Chalk Talk304-820.00
6Cozy Inn 2304-40.00
7Cozy Inn 3304-180.00
8Cue-Tang Clan304-40.00
9Rack N Shack 3304-30.00
10Reyes of Sunshine304-290.00
11Scarlet Lady 6304-130.00
12Scarlet Lady 8304-40.00
13The Not So Fast Eddies288-780.00
14The Rack Pack288-910.00