In preparation for the upcoming season, the website has undergone a series of updates.
The 2019 Archives page has been set up.
The Tuesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Wednesday Schedule and Standings page has been updated.
The Captain’s List has been made current.
The Locations page has been updated.
Team and Individual Standings Pages have been prepared for league data (These will not properly populate until schedules are updated and first matches are played.)
The Officers and Grievance Committee did not change, so that page was left as is.
The Bullpen has no updates currently (if you’d like to add your name to the bullpen, please email with your full name, email, phone number and if you can play Tuesday, Wednesday, or Both.
The Schedules have been made current.
All Registered Team pages have been updated for the new season.
The site has also had some upgrades under the hood as well as aesthetically. As the season progresses, new functionality might be added. We’ll see.