Week 19 Results

Check the Tuesday and Wednesday Schedule and Standings pages for all the current league info.

Congratulations go out to the following:

Secondary Table Run – Tod Lofing (Speakeasy 4Tuesday), Daniel Herrera (Lost & Found 1Wednesday)

Table Run – JC Freelo (Scarlet Lady 3Tuesday)

8 Ball Break – Brian Collier (Speakeasy 4Tuesday), Oswald Colungax2 (90 West 1Tuesday, 90 West 3Wednesday), Jorge Flores (Tattle Tale 1Wednesday)

Honor Roll – Tod Lofing (Speakeasy 4Tuesday), Darrell McCullough (Speakeasy 4Tuesday), Gary Villaros (90 West 1Tuesday), Bryan Padilla (90 West 1Tuesday), Jess Marley (Speakeasy 1Tuesday), JC Freelo (Scarlet Lady 3Tuesday), Clyde “Gip” Gipson (90 West 3Wednesday), Dr. John Gushiken (90 West 3Wednesday), Raymond Beesley (Rack N Shack 3Wednesday), Logan Rodas (Tattle Tale 1Wednesday)