Tuesday Night Final Standings

Congratulations to Tuesday Night’s first place team – Cozy Inn 4, the top shooters Tod Lofing and Joe Pacchanelli (honorable mention to Mike Waddles who had the same amount of wins but more losses, thus, a lower percentage) and the female top shooter Angela Aquino!

Note that if your team still owes money, you must contact Mike directly to turn in any remaining owed dues.  If your team only owes $10, you don’t have to worry about turning it in as that $10 is for the website repair and will be taken out of your prize fund without penalty.

Rank TeamWonLostPlayed8BTRHRWin %Owed Dues
1Cozy Inn 4241111352152068.47-30.00
2Scarlet Lady 1235117352281666.760.00
3Cozy Inn 1220132352081762.500.00
4Rack N Shack 2218134352121661.930.00
590 West 4208144352331659.0910.00
690 West 118716535222853.1390.00
7Gabe’s 217317935232749.1510.00
8Speakeasy 215619635203244.320.00
9Rock N Shack13321935211437.7810.00
10Speakeasy 312722535210336.080.00
11Speakeasy 112123135201134.3830.00
12Speakeasy 49325935200426.420.00
13Scarlet Lady 30000000.000.00